Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday Combo: Fajita and Potato Salad

Do you believe that a certain spice or condiment can really make food taste better?  I do.  How so, you might ask. I've made fajitas several times in the past and I've never been told  "this is really good, hon."  So I believe it.   Passion.  Confidence.  Vision.  These are my new condiments. They're sure to make any dish a hit, at least with my number one fan and supporter-- Naddy.  Passion.  You gotta love what you do.   It'll show, it'll shine through.  Confidence.  This pulled me through lots of tough situations.  This is not to say that you can just bluff your way out without any weapon.  You need to at least have something and use it to rise above anything.  Vision.  When I was just learning to drive, I used to "imagine" what I'd do and how I'd do it before actually taking the wheel.  And it worked.  I don't see why it wouldn't work in creating wonderful meals.

The Challenge:  Rolling the Tortilla.  Too small a tortilla or did I go overboard with the filling?

Oh yeah right, the fajita.  I almost forgot.  I marinated the chicken breast in fajita seasoning for some 30 minutes.  I would usually grill the meat but since I crisped some bacon, I thought why not use the fat rendered by the bacon to fry my meat?  No regrets even if it altered the healthy route.  Next, the veggies.  Julienned yellow bell peppers and red and white onions.  They went into the same pan.  Sauté until cooked but still crispy.  You don't want soggy peppers.  The tortilla.  Warm both sides on a grill.  Assembly:   Warm tortilla, greens,  bacon, onions, bell peppers, chicken, sour cream, cheese, fresh coriander, squeeze of lime.  Roll it up to enclose the filling.  Take a big bite and bask in the admiration of your sweetest fan, who by the way, won't know you didn't really sweat for it.   I paired it with potato salad and freshly brewed iced lemon tea.  I have to tell you, the potato salad was amazing.   She deserves her own post.  And I will give her that soon.  I promise. 

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